Leaving Wonderland Behind


Over these posts we have established what Transmedia Storytelling is and identified companies within South Wales that use this technique. YelloBrick has been the most interesting case study to have explored in this process. YelloBrick’s collaboration with ThinkArk to create PlayArk was their most successful in terms of Transmedia Storytelling.


Transmedia does not have to be a topic that is scary or unapproachable, as the topic is incredibly fascinating. I think that by nature we are incredibly inquisitive and enjoy the storytelling process. Therefore, our curiosity is what makes the Transmedia Storytelling technique so successful. Because people are immensely interested and emotionally invested in the original story, they can easily adapt to different forms of media to continuing enjoying the story.

‘Authorship is shifting and as a result more people can be part of the storytelling. […] transmedia asks people to collaborate and to co-create stories that can be jumping off points to social connections and if I do that the stories will surely spread.” (

–  Max Giovagnoli, p. 135 – 136

Transmedia Storytelling has been an interesting topic to explore over this blog series. I think that this technique is beneficial to helping audience members connect with stories in a digital world. However, it has been interesting to explore how transmedia comes across all platforms: digital and analogue. Storytelling is a method we have used for many years, Transmedia is just a form of this. Transmedia Storytelling allows for audience interaction and immersion. By being able to navigate through the world of the story, you can choose how you approach this story in your own way.

I think that Transmedia Storytelling can benefit both creator and audience member. As a creator you are conceptualising new ways to interact with your audience and tell your story. This process is stimulating and puts the pressure on to be as creative as possible. As an audience member, being able to interact with the story in new ways just increases the passion for the original story.

‘Most often, transmedia stories are based not on individual characters or specific plots but rather complex fictional worlds which can sustain multiple interrelated characters and their stories. This process of world-building encourages an encyclopedic impulse in both readers and writers.’

The process of blog writing my research has been enjoyable and I hope you have enjoyed falling down the Transmedia rabbit-hole with me. Along the way I have used my own blog posts to try and tell my own story. Most importantly I would really like to continue this blog and attempt new stories with further research. My original purpose was to address companies in South Wales that use Transmedia Storytelling. My hope is that in the future I can do further case studies on different companies and maybe even take part in their stories.


You can create your own Transmedia Story, you have all the tools you need. What you need most is your imagination.


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